One Heart Yoga has been sharing Kundalini Yoga in Menlo Park/Palo Alto, California since 1994. Young and old, beginners and advanced are welcome. Donations pay for honorariums for instructors while volunteers facilitate operations with gifts of time. One Heart Yoga is a heart based not-for-profit organization at its core.
The founding principles have never changed. These are rooted in holding each other in community as we embrace personal healing, spiritual growth, and increasing self-awareness. This is partially achieved through breathwork, meditation and simple yoga movement. It is also achieved by the simple act of showing up for ourselves and for each other.
One Heart Yoga faced a crisis in 2020 when we learned that the founder of Kundalini Yoga had engaged in acts of misconduct during his lifetime. After taking a pause for deep evaluation and listening, we chose to renew class offerings and move forward in our own authenticity, embracing a mission of helping each person shine their own light in this increasingly challenging world. We support the larger work of Compassionate Reconciliation, a project of healing, repair and transformation for the 3H0, Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma communities.
“This is about each of us. Bright, radiant, uplifted and connected. This moment in time is bigger than we could have imagined. This is our chance. Our time to evolve into all we can be, to become our potential. Together. Now.”
It is your right to respectfully ask questions or raise issues of concern or complaint, openly and receive honest answers and fair consideration.
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